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Parapat is on the foreshore of Lake Toba and is where you catch the ferry across to Samosir Island in the middle of Lake Toba. In the 1920s Parapat became a holiday village, with many of the bungalows belonging to the European plantation owners in Medan and Berastagi. In 1948, Soekarno, Hatta and Agus Salim were imprisoned in 'Villa Marihat' in Parapat. This house is still open for public viewing.

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Daerah Tapanuli yang secara umum berada di sepanjang hamparan Danau Toba adalah suatu tempat yang eksotis dan sangat memikat untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu pilihan daerah pelancongan atau daerah wisata.

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Satu lagi peninggalan Sultan Deli, yaitu Masjid Raya Al Mashun yang berjarak tak jau dari Istana Maimun (200m)

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Bukit Lawang adalah nama tempat wisata di Kabupaten Langkat, Provinsi Sumatra Utara yang terletak 68 km sebelah barat laut Kota Binjai dan sekitar 80 km di sebelah barat laut kota Medan. Bukit Lawang termasuk dalam lingkup Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser yang merupakan daerah konservasi terhadap mawas orang utan.

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Pantai Cermin ternyata adalah sebuah nama kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Selain nama kecamatan, di sana juga banyak terdapat objek wisata pantai yang pengelolanya banyak banget dari yang namanya pantai gudang garam sampe theme park.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Police Should Give SCTV Protection of Pressure FPI

Jakarta - Police should provide protection to the SCTV because it is pressed by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) films related to the plan '? " Takbir on the night. Police can not remain silent when broadcasters intervened by certain parties.

"The actions of the (FPI) was excessive. Should the government, the police took the attitude of giving protection to SCTV. If we let this be a precedent for other things," said Deputy House Speaker Pramono Anung to AFP on Sunday (28/08/2011).

Pram, greeting familiar Pramono, said if not agreed upon FPI's actions, "SCTV also can do a lawsuit."

Furthermore, the PDI-P politician asserts that suppress the action FPI broadcasters should not happen in a democracy.

"If FPI objection can be through a KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission-ed)," said Pram add SCTV also have nothing to fear if the plan was appropriate delivery of the correct procedure.

Saturday hundreds of people who are members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) went to the television station SCTV. They urged it to cancel the national television station aired a movie called '?'.

"The movie '?" illustrates that Muslims are violent and evil. There are scenes of people damaging Islam Chinese restaurant, then stabbed the pastor and the church was bombed, "said Chairman of DKI Jakarta FPI, Habib Salim Alatas, on page SCTV Tower, Jl Asia Afrika, Jakarta.

FPI that comes with using the bike held a speech for about 15 minutes. They finally accepted the SCTV. FPI and SCTV dialogue held on the charges on the 19th floor of the building. The dialogue that takes place in an atmosphere of calm that ended 20 minutes later.

"Thank you for your friendship from FPI, it is an input and an evaluation for us. As we have communicated, we state will not play movies'?" takbiran later at night, "said Secretary Corprotare SCTV, Hardijanto Soeroso, at the end of the meeting.

After the meeting broke up FPI. Look on their faces showed a sense of satisfaction.

The film made by director Hanung Bramantyo was released in theaters around 7 April 2011 then. This young director with the theme of religious tolerance and the film was mired in controversy when it premiered.

"I want to show the picture through this film some events that happened. In the last scene of this movie later David Chalik reveals that Islam is a religion rahmatan lil alamin. To me that is Islam," said Hanung filmya about it on Radja Ketjil, Gandaria City Mall, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Thursday (03/31/2011).

Cari 17 Pendaki yang Tersesat, Tim SAR Naik ke Gunung Merbabu

Jakarta - 17 Pendaki Gunung Merbabu di perbatasan Yogyakarta-Jawa Tengah yang dilaporkan tersesat. 7 Orang anggota Basarnas Semarang malam ini naik ke gunung tersebut untuk melakukan pencarian.

"Rekan-rekan kami sudah menuju ke sana," kata Operator Radio Basarnas Semarang, Andy Yustika, saat dihubungi detikcom, Minggu (28/8/2011).

Menurut Andy, Tim SAR memutuskan untuk melakukan pencarian karena komunikasi dengan para pendaki dari SMA Sedes Bedono Jambu, Kabupaten Semarang, itu tidak bisa lagi dilakukan. Belum didapat pula tanda-tanda keberadaan mereka di gunung berketinggian 3.171 mdpl itu.

"Di mana mereka saat ini masih suram. Kami belum bisa membuat perkiraan. Nanti teman-teman yang berada di lapangan akan mengolah data-data yang ada," ucap Andy.

Andy mengatakan, para pendaki, 3 di antaranya adalah pemandu dari pramuka, mulai naik ke gunung yang bersebalahan dengan Gunung Merapi itu pada Sabtu (27/8), kemarin, sekitar pukul 21.00 WIB. Mereka naik dari pintu pendakian di Magelang.

Menurut jadwal, seharusnya murid-murid SMA tersebut sudah turun gunung pada pukul 12.00 WIB siang tadi.

"Lalu ada ibu Maria yang mengaku orang tua dari 14 murid tersebut melapor kepada kami," ucap Andy.

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